​Choosing Biodegradable Plastics

Posted by Mike Cunningham on Aug 23rd 2023

​Choosing Biodegradable Plastics

Becoming more sustainable is one of the core goals of many businesses as more consumers become environmentally aware, and packaging is a great place to start. However, making the best sustainable packaging choices for your business can be challenging – there are so many options out there.

Plastics are often touted as one of the key pollutants of our seas and oceans – with up to 8 million tons ending up in marine environments each year. However, many businesses still have a need for it, so it makes sense that they may go in search of eco-friendly plastic alternatives. This is where things can become complex. Not all “green” plastics are as environmentally friendly as they seem…

Commonly, many companies will interchange the terms biodegradable, bioplastic and compostable when discussing packaging but this can be misleading. Confusion around these terms can then lead to misconceptions about the disposal of so-called biodegradable materials. So, what’s the difference?

Bio-based, Biodegradable or Both?

Bio-based plastic refers to material that is made from renewable organic matter (such as starch or sugar derivatives) rather than (non-renewable) petroleum/fossil fuel-based matter.

When something is biodegradable it means that it can be broken down naturally by microorganisms (such as bacteria and fungi) under certain conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity etc.). However, the term is quite vague and doesn’t stipulate the length of time it takes something to decompose.

Both bio-based plastics and traditional plastics can biodegrade, depending on their composition. Due to the requirement for specific conditions, decomposition may not always occur. Plus, when these materials do breakdown, they can emit harmful greenhouse gases as a by-product.

You’ll also find many companies refer to oxo-degradable plastics as biodegradable, which is another misconception. This kind of plastic is just conventional plastic mixed with an additive that imitates biodegradation. This process results in micro-plastic fragments entering our waste streams and oceans.

Does biodegradable mean compostable too?

In short, no. All compostable plastics are biodegradable, but not all biodegradable plastics would be considered compostable. Compostable products must be made from natural materials that break down without producing any toxic residue. To be classed as compostable, packaging must meet stringent standards.

It’s important to make an informed choice when weighing up you’re packaging and sustainability options. Especially, if you’re considering any kind of plastics labelled biodegradable or compostable.

Need help in reviewing your packaging call us at 813 242 6995 or sales@quickpakinc.com